Keep more focus on your business, and outsource your debtor management so that you have 100% control over your incoming payments.
To know exactly whether debtor monitoring pays for outsourcing, we list a number of points;
1- Being able to fully focus and have more time for the important things and therefore more time for a growth of your company.
2- If you choose to outsource your debtor monitoring to Integrio BV, then you are sure to hire a specialist who knows exactly in the field of debtor monitoring which paths should be followed in order to be paid to you as quickly as possible. to get.
3- In order to not only be cost-effective, but also profitable, you can shift your focus or that of your staff to profitable matters when you have Integrio B.V perform your debtor monitoring.
4- Since you will have Integrio B.V. perform your debtor monitoring. we can be stricter for your debtors. The employees of Integrio B.V. who take care of your debtors know what they have to do, and can make a little more without harming your relationship with the debtor. For you as an entrepreneur, this means that your invoices are paid earlier, which means that you simply have more money in the bank. That is essential for a good cash flow.
The benefits of having sufficient liquidity available are very great for you as an entrepreneur. Consider, for example, investing in the growth of your company or being able to pay your creditors earlier. In addition, you can do business even more independently, and by increasing your working capital you need to turn to your bank less quickly.
We are happy to talk to you. Please contact us.